
mystical terms and metaphors

Ahamkara - the sense of 'I', often translated as 'ego', considered 
	    the main stumbling block to Self Knowledge. [Sanskrit] 
Ajna  - the third eye chakra, located mid-forehead [Sanskrit]  
Anahata - the heart chakra, root of all emotions [Sanskrit]
Anand  - bliss [Sanskrit]
Anapanasati - mindfulness while breathing in and out [Pali] 
Atman   - individual soul [Sanskrit]
Arahat  - a free being, a fully awakened one [Sanskrit] 
Ashram  - a place where spiritual disciplines are taught and practiced
Aura   - a non-physical energy field around living things
Bodhi  - supreme wisdom [Sanskrit] 
Bodhisattva - someone seeking enlightenment [Sanskrit] 
Bardo  - 'in-between state' refers to the state between death and rebirth [Tibetan] 
Bhakti - A spiritual movement from the 7th to 18th century that maintained 
	devotion to God was the sole means of salvation.  It also called for 
	the end of the caste system, insisting all people were equal.  It became 
	a popular movement with the common people as it removed a great burden 
	placed on them by the religious class.  The poets of the bhakti movement 
	wrote in their individual languages, as opposed to Sanskrit, which made 
	their work more accessible.  It had a profound effect on the culture of India.
bodhicitta - the awakened heartmind [Sanskrit]
Buddha  - the Enlightened one 
chakra  - circle, energy center [Sanskrit] 
Ch'i - central Taoist idea meaning "breathing, energy".  The Ch'i is an individual's 
	vital force and, at the same time, a universal energy connecting all in one 
	field of unbroken energy.
Christ  - the Anointed one
Chidakasha  - (awareness matrix) that which contains all that is, all that has been 
	and all that ever will be [Sanskrit]
Chit  - consciousness [Sanskrit]
Dervish  - (poor) someone who lives a life of poverty and tries to minimize 
	their bodily functions in order to release their souls from the physical 
Dharma - spiritual teachings, spiritual path, actions in harmony with truth [Sanskrit]
Dhyana  - meditation [Sanskrit]
Divine Mother - God as Mother  
Entelechy  - the vital force that compels one toward self-fulfillment [Aristotle]
Guru  - (darkness to light) spiritual master
Heer and Ranjha is a famous Pakistani love story; it has been compared 
	to the immortal tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.  Their families feuded, 
	keeping them apart.  After many years of heartache they were allowed 
	to wed, but on their wedding day, the beautiful Heer is poisoned by a 
	vengeful Uncle. Ranjha holds her in his arms until he dies of a broken heart.
Japa  - repeating the name of God [Sanskrit]
Jnana Yoga  - the path of wisdom
Kaaba - (cube) the sanctuary in Mecca containing the Black Stone, 
	 where Muslim turn to pray. 
kabir - great one [Arabic]
Khamush  - (silent) often used by Rumi in his poems; about five hundred 
	odes end with 'khamush'.  It is believed that Rumi is referring to 
	the silent contemplation that leads to Self Knowledge.
Karma  - (action) the law of cause and effect, the consequence of ones 	
	thoughts, words, and deeds [Sanskrit]
Llama  - spiritual teacher [Tibetan]
Maitreya  -  the future Buddha 
Mandala  - (circle) a geometric design used as an aid to focus the mind 
Mantra  - a sacred word or phrase repeated to focus the mind [Sanskrit]
Masnavi - a term referring to a rhymed verse couplet. [Persian] 
	Rumi's work of this title has been referred to as 'the Persian Koran'.
Meditation  - focusing one-pointedly on an object 
Mevlana - "The Master" 
Mindfulness  - here-now awareness, purposeful attention
Nama Japa  - constantly remembering the true Name of God [Sanskrit]
Namaste  - 'I bow to the divine in you' [Sanskrit]
Nirvana  - the place beyond suffering [Sanskrit]
Om/Aum  - considered a sacred sound, symbolic of God's first thought 
Pho wa  - the practice of consciously leaving the body at time of death [Tibetan]
Prana  - the vital energy [Sanskrit]
Pranayama  - focusing on the breath [Sanskrit]
Purusha  -  the indwelling Spirit, the silent witness [Sanskrit]
Quran - (recitation) the "recitation" of God's word to Muhammad
Raja Yoga  - the kingly path 
Rigpa  - the knowing state, pure awareness [Tibetan] 
Samadhi  - a deep meditative state with one-pointed mind [Sanskrit] 
Sadhana  - Spiritual practice, discipline [Sanskrit]  
Sahasrara  - the crown chakra
Samsara  - false understanding, believing the unreal to be real and the real 
	to be unreal [Sanskrit]
Sat  - Truth [Sanskrit] 
Shinto  - 'the Way of the Gods' (Japan) 
sikh  - 'disciple' 
Siddhi  - a special power gained in meditation, considered an obstacle 
	if indulged [Sanskrit]
Sutra  - (thread) rule, guideline of life [Sanskrit]
Tantra  -  transforming human energy [Sanskrit]
T'ai-chi - literally it means "the beam sustaining the roof". The first 
	fundamental principle of reality that produced the two opposing 
        principles and thus all others. 
Tao - a basic Taoist concept literally meaning: "the way".
Vedanta  - one of six classical systems of Indian philosophy 
Vedas  - (knowledge) the basic scriptures of the Hindus
Vidya  - (view) spiritual vision [Sanskrit]  
Wahdat al-Wujud - God is the ground of all being.  The only truth within the 
                  universe is God, and that all things exist within God alone. (Sufi)
Zendo  - 'ashram' [Japanese]  
yang  - the masculine aspect of the universe [Chinese] 
yin  - the feminine aspect of the universe [Chinese] 
Yin-yang - opposing principles, a manifestation of tai-chi, that create, 
	sustain, and dissolve through the power of opposition, interaction, 
	and attraction.

The FOUR LEVELS OF FRIENDSHIP - there are four levels of friendship: Aashenaa, to know 
	someone casually.  Doost, a close friend.  Rafeegh, your best friend.  And the 
	highest form of intimacy is Yaar, meaning ones inseparable lover.  A Yaar-
	relationship may include physical relations or it may be platonic.  For the 
	mystic, the wish is to have the deepest intimacy with God, the Beloved, the 
	level of Yaar. [Persian]

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